Our vehicles come from various sources of supplies (private trade-in, manufacturers, rentals, leasing, dealers, MarketPrice), providing a big diversity on brands.
Goed onderhouden
Een lage kilometrage
Een rijervaring op goede wegen (weinig slijtage)
BCA Nederland veilt gemiddeld elke week 1000 voertuigen
U kunt deelnemen aan onze verschillende veilingformaten, hetzij online, hetzij in een zaal
Om u goed van dienst te kunnen zijn tijdens uw aankoop, maken wij gebruik van een gesegmenteerd en wekelijkse veilingkalender.
Don’t hesitate to check our offer and start buying from us!
Van dinsdag tot donderdag 11 u.
Woensdag 11 u.
Dinsdag 11 u.
Vrijdag 11 u.
Woensdag 15 u.
xBid woensdag en vrijdag 13.30 u.
Elke dinsdag en vrijdag 10 u.
XBid maandag, dinsdag en donderdag 9.30 u.
Woensdag xBid om 9.30 u.
CarNext Ex-Lease The auction starts every Monday at 12.00 and ends with an X-bid on Wednesday at 9.00.
All buyer fees are without VAT and applicable for each vehicle bought.
For Non-Dutch buyers a buyer fee of a percentage of the vehicle price (gross hammer price) is applicable:
However, there are some exceptions to the buyer fees. See down below the buyer fees for our European EV, e-bikes, wheels auctions and the BCA EuroShop.
In addition of the buyer fee export fees are applicable, see below. And in case the purchased vehicles are not picked up within the committed period, a parking fee of €20 per day per vehicle will be added.
Below you will find our buyer fees for the European EV, BCA Bikes (bikes, cargo bikes, speed pedelecs, scooters and mopeds), wheels auctions and the BCA EuroShop.
Buyer fees BCA Bikes
Please note the following:
Hammer price (€)
Buyer fee
€0 t/m €499
€500 t/m €1499
€1500 t/m €2499
€2500 t/m €5000
Export fee / transport fee Vendor - BCA
Export fee*
Transport fee Vendor - BCA
Transport for two-wheelers from the vendor to BCA is mandatory (€85 per unit). For a combination lot of 5 e-bikes, transport costs will be €225 in total.
Handling fee
Deposit invoice
21% of total invoice
*Please note: export fee is only applicable to two-wheel vehicles with Dutch license plates.
If you bought a vehicle from The Netherlands, Dutch fiscal laws state what needs to happen if you want to export the car out of The Netherlands. Luxury Tax is placed on certain cars. Criteria for Luxury Tax are the type of vehicle, the NL registration date and the amount of CO2 emission. Luxury Tax is automatically deducted from the hammer price for foreign EU buyers. For Non EU buyers it is not possible to refund Luxury Tax. The Dutch Tax Authorities will verify if the luxury tax is correct. As soon as we receive a confirmation from the Dutch Tax Authorities, the customer will have to pay the amount of Luxury Tax that's specifiek on the final invoice.
Non EU buyers need an Ex. 1 document for crossing the EU border and this document will be provided by BCA.
If you have any questions, please contact our Export Team. Call +31 342 40 45 40 or send an E-mail.
Below, you'll find an overview of the types of exports BCA Netherlands has:
1. Export BPM digital (German export documents)
1,75% (min. € 435,-)
Export fee
MOT* (if MOT date is expired)
Mandatory transport to Weeze
** (see below)
* Possible repairs to receive a valid MOT are not included. These repair costs must be paid by the buyer.
2. Export NL export (Dutch export documents)
3. Export for non - EU buyers (only possible with Dutch export documents)
EXA document
Rest BPM is not deductible for sales outside the EU. When buying a vehicle which contains “Rest BPM” this will be included in the invoice.
VAT will also be included in the invoice and can be refunded when the buyer proofs that the vehicle and/or goods left the EU.
**Mandatory transport fee to Weeze
Passenger car
Commercial Van (light)
Commercial Van
Commercial Van (large)
1. Purchase of vehicle
2. Receive invoice
3. Payment of vehicle invoice (you have to pay your vehicle within 48 hours after receiving the invoice)
4. Preparing delivery:- Category A/B1: Automatic transport and arrangement of export documents in Weeze (Germany)- Category B2: Material/trucks stay in Barneveld, The Netherlands
5. BCA provides the export documents:- Category A: German export document (7 - 10 working days)*- Category B1/B2: Dutch export documents (vehicle information, kilometer report, declaration type of approval)- For non-EU buyers Additional Ex.1 document (for all vehicles with registration number)
6. Transport/pick-up:- Catergory A/B1 vehicles: receipt confirmation of transport- Catergory B2 vehicles: receipt pick up confirmation and power of attorney **
7. Once the CMR and the receipt of delivery are filled in correctly and send to EUtransport.nl@bca.com, BCA sends the export documents by DHL. This might take 2-5 working days.
* Please note, we are depending on governmental authorities for this process. In some cases the process may take longer (for example; MOT, German registration, recalls).
** Beware that after receiving the pickup confirmation and power of attorney you have 5 calendar days to pick the vehicle(s) up in Barneveld (NL).
Please find below the important details regarding payment and VAT policy.
24 uur na uw aankoop ontvangt u een factuur per e-mail
Vanaf de ontvangst van uw factuur beschikt u over 48 uur om per bankoverschrijving te betalen
BCA Nederland factureert buitenlandse klanten zonder BTW. Niet-Europese kopers ontvangen een factuur incl. BTW. De BTW wordt automatisch terugbetaald wanneer het voertuig de Europese grens verlaat en het Ex1-document gescand werd.
BCA Netherlands will apply automatic transport to all vehicles except non-runners for all non-Dutch companies based in the EU: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.
One partner to speak to: no need to look and interact for a transport company.
No documentation hassle.
Comunicação Track & Trace.
All cross-border vehicle purchases (except material/trucks) at BCA NL will automatically be transported to Weeze (Germany). It is not possible to pick up your vehicles at BCA with your own truck or trailer, from the pickup locations Barneveld and Weeze. Nor is it possible to arrive at the pickup location and drive away the car yourself. An extra free will be charged for the automatic transport to Weeze. From the pick-up location in Weeze you can have a third-party internationally certified transport company selected by yourself to pick up the vehicles.
Nadat u uw voertuig heeft betaald, ontvangt u een bevestiging dat het voertuig opgehaald kan worden. Vanwege de Nederlandse BPM zijn de ophaallocatie en -tijd afhankelijk van het gekochte voertuig en de woonplaats van de koper. Als uw exportvergoeding € 325,- is, wordt uw ophaallocatie Weeze (Duitsland) - dit kan tot 10 werkdagen duren. U kunt uw auto ophalen in Weeze na ontvangst van de betreffende uitrijvergunningen. Als uw uitvoerbelasting €65,- is, kunnen voertuigen worden opgehaald in Barneveld (Nederland). U kunt uw voertuig ophalen na ontvangst van uw uitrijvergunning. Voor het transport van uw voertuigen heeft u 2 mogelijkheden: BCA vragen het voertuig bij u af te leveren, of een transportbedrijf naar keuze sturen om het voertuig op te halen.
You make an order for transport with another third-party internationally certified transport company of your choice. Then you need to send BCA a completed power of attorney document, which you will receive from BCA. Please note that you have 48 hours after pickup to submit a claim if the vehicle is not as described. After receiving the pickup confirmation and power of attorney you have 9 calendar days to pick the vehicle(s) up. After the deadline of 9 calendar days has passed, the vehicle(s) will automatically be transported by BCA.
When your vehicle is delivered at your location, you must send the CMR signed and stamped to EUtransport.nl@bca.com. You will receive the vehicle export documents from BCA NL as soon as your completed CMR has been received.
The car documents are handed over to you or your transport company/driver directly with the purchased car, upon pick-up. We ask you kindly to send us the following proof of export after receiving the vehicle:
If your company is based in an European country, please send a scanned copy of the fulfilled CMR
If your company is not based in an European country, please send a scanned copy of the EX1
Only cars marked as "Qualifying Gross" are susceptible to be invoiced tax-free. Most of the vehicles that are registered after October 15. 2006 have a part BPM (Dutch luxury tax) which you can get back if you import from a EU country. If you have questions, please contact our Export department at +31 (0) 88 - 540 3874.
You don't even have to pay for the BPM. BCA will process the request to get back the BPM.
All original vehicle documents will remain with the vehicle until it is exported (on paper). We will send the vehicle documents by ordinary mail as soon as we receive the CMR (valid and stamped). Typically this will take 2-5 business days. You can send the CMR by email to eutransport.nl@bca.com.
*Germany, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Spain, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic
Only cars marked as "Qualifying Gross" are susceptible to be invoiced tax-free. Please note that, in order get a tax-free invoice you will have to contract the delivery of your car with a third-party logistic company.
At the moment you pick up your car, you will receive all documents.
For any after-sales information about a Dutch sale or car, feel free to ask your dedicated import team!